10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (2024)

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (1)

If you’re teaching teenagers at middle school you know how easily they can lose interest if they’re not having fun in class. A great way to keep middle school students engaged is to use fun and engaging classroom games. Below we have put together 10 of our favorite classroom games for middle school students. These games are not only great for ESL middle school students but can also be used as a fun classroom activity in any class teaching teenagers.

Top Five Quiz #3

Related: Debate Topics For Middle School Students / Reading Games For Middle School Students

10 Classroom Games For Middle School Students

1: The 20 Questions Game

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (2)

The 20 questions game is a great ESL speaking activity for middle school students. If you’re not familiar with this game, the rules are simple. One student thinks of a secret object and doesn’t tell anyone. The only thing they tell the other students is the kind of thing it is. For example, they might tell them it’s an animal, a type of food, a famous person, etc.

Next, the students can ask up to 20 yes/no questions to try and figure out what the secret object is. For example, if the secret word is a type of food, students might ask “Is it a fruit?“, “Is it yellow?“, etc. This game is a fantastic way to get teenagers talking and best of all, it requires no preparation from the teacher. Check out these 20 question game ideas and examples for some categories and words you can use in this fun classroom game.

2: Top Five Quiz Game

Next on our list of fun classroom games for middle school students is the ‘Top Five Quiz’ game. Teenagers absolutely love this game, especially when they get the top answer. To play, students will need a pencil and paper to write down their answers and points. Students can play individually, in pairs, or in small teams.

In this kind of quiz, each question has multiple possible answers. For example, “Name an animal you can keep as a pet.” Students must write down just ONE answer and if their answer is in the ‘Top Five’ answers, they score the following points:

1 = 10 Points
2 = 7 Points
3 = 5 Points
4 = 3 Points
5 = 2 Points

If the students’ answers are not in the ‘Top Five’ answers, they get zero points. At the end of the quiz, the student/team with the most points is the winner. For a ready-made quiz and a template to add your own questions to, check out our Top Five Quiz PowerPoint Game page.

3: The Forehead Game

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (3)

This next game is often played at parties, but it can also be easily adapted to play in the classroom with middle school students. To play, one student (or the teacher) must write down keywords from the lesson on pieces or paper/post-it notes. Next, the students in the class would choose one of the pieces of paper at random and, without looking at it, stick it to their forehead so everyone else in the class can see.

Next, players take turns asking yes/no questions to find out the word stuck to their head. For example, if you were teaching students about jobs and occupations vocabulary, students might ask “Do I work in a hospital?”, “Do I wear a uniform to work?, etc. The student who guesses their word with the fewest questions is the winner.

4: Describe And Draw Game

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (4)

This next activity requires students to use their speaking skills to describe a picture. To play, divide students into pairs and provide a set of interesting pictures or flashcards to one student in each pair. Next, the student with the pictures must describe a picture in as much detail as possible to their partner. The other student must try and draw what their partner is describing.

After a few minutes, have students compare the drawing with the real picture to see how accurate their drawing and descriptions were. This game often leads to some hilarious drawings and teenagers have lots of fun playing this activity.

5: What Am I? Quizzes

Quizzes like our ‘What Am I?’ quizzes are fantastic activities to play with middle school students in class. If you’re not familiar with these kinds of quizzes, the concept is simple. Students will read two or three clues describing something and then must guess ‘What Am I?’. For example, “I have 2 hands but no arms. I have a face but no eyes. What Am I?”, with the answer being ‘A Clock’. Here are 40 ‘What Am I?’ Quiz Questions And Answers you can use in your class.

6: Would You Rather Game

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (5)

This next activity is great for getting students speaking and expressing their opinions. For this activity, all you need is some Would You Rather Questions. Put students in pairs and provide them with many ‘Would you rather?’ questions, and have them take turns asking their partner the question. After which, students should make their choice and then express three reasons why they chose what they did.

7: Scattergories

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (6)

The classic word game Scattergories is a fantastic game to use in class with middle school students. There are several ways to play this game in class, but the basic idea of the game is simple. Put students into small teams and provide them with a category and then give them some time to come up with as many unique words as possible. For each word that they write down which is not on another team’s list, they get a point.

Scategories Example Categories

Here are some example Scattegories categories for ESL students:

  • Fruits And Vegetables
  • School Subjects
  • Feeling And Emotions
  • Jobs And Occupations
  • Hobbies
  • Daily Routines

8: Riddles

Riddles help middle school students to develop their thinking ability, creativity, and can even improve their reading comprehension skills. Not only that, students really have fun deciphering cryptic clues and working out the answer. However, if the riddles are too hard, rather than having fun, students will just be frustrated. So, if you’re planning on using riddles in class, be sure to choose some easy riddles. The Above video has 10 easy riddles for ESL students that you can show in class.

9: Mystery Box Game

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (7)

For this game, you’ll need the Mystery Box Game template which is a fun PowerPoint game you can use in class with teenagers. Before the class, you will need to add questions to the PowerPoint template based on the topic you are currently studying in class.

To play the game, divide the class into two teams. Teams will take turns choosing a letter and then answering the question on the slide. After which, students will see the ‘Mystery Box’. They can then choose to KEEP the box or GIVE the box to the other team. Inside the box is either good points (e.g +100) or bad points (-100).

So, if a team decides to keep the box, they could win points but they risk losing points. And if a team chooses to give the box, they might make the other team lose points but they risk giving them points, too. At the end of the game, the team with the most points is the winner.

10: Hot Seat

Hot Seat is a great game you can play with middle school students to review vocabulary, or as just a fun time-filler activity. If you’re not sure how to play Hot Seat, then check out the video above. It shows how to play Hot Seat in class, and you can even show this instruction video to your students to show them how to play.

The basic gist of Hot Seat is to have one student in the ‘Hot Seat’, which is a chair at the front of the class. The teacher would then show the other students a word and then the other students must describe that word without saying the word itself, while the student in the ‘Hot Seat’ must try to guess.

More Games

Thanks for reading. I hope your students enjoy these activities. Before you go, don’t forget to check out our other free classroom games, including Activity Videos, PowerPoint Games, and Online Quizzes.

10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl (2024)


10 Super Fun Classroom Games For Middle School Students | Games4esl? ›

Scrambled Eggs is a whole-class game that will get your students up and moving. Students will scramble (on cue) around the room to various "egg" stations and practice writing the plural form of 32 different singular nouns.

What games do 7th graders play? ›

Tic Tac Toe Squares
  • 4–8. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Read.
  • Swing Fling. Play.
  • Extreme Air.
  • Creepy Crawlers. Play.

How can I make middle school fun? ›

How to Engage Middle School Students
  1. Get Physical. Kids at that difficult middle school age are often brimming with energy, even in inappropriate moments. ...
  2. Encourage Talking. ...
  3. Be Creative. ...
  4. Be Concrete. ...
  5. Use Object Lessons. ...
  6. Be Flexible. ...
  7. Celebrate Success. ...
  8. Encourage Curiosity.

What is the scrambled eggs game for classroom? ›

Scrambled Eggs is a whole-class game that will get your students up and moving. Students will scramble (on cue) around the room to various "egg" stations and practice writing the plural form of 32 different singular nouns.

What is interactive classroom games? ›

Interactive games for students are fun activities and games in which students participate in groups. These games also offer a fun and hands-on learning experience. Examples include Charades, Four Corners, and Pictionary.

What is interactive classroom activities? ›

Interactive classroom activities are activities that forgo one-way communication, or individual learning in favor of getting students involved and engaged with the lessons or material.

What are high yield activities for middle school students? ›

High-yield learning activities include leisure reading, writing activities and games like chess or Scrabble® that develop young people's cognitive skills.

How do you keep middle schoolers busy? ›

How to Keep Teen and Tween Students Busy During School Breaks
  1. Provide Extra Chores. In addition to regular daily chores, have your children take on additional duties during breaks from school. ...
  2. Encourage a Part-Time Job. ...
  3. Help Them Volunteer. ...
  4. Keep Them Reading.

What is the bingo game in classroom? ›

Students are given a bingo card with questions on it and need to walk around the classroom and talk to each other to find the answers. The questions will ask them to find different classmates who fit certain criteria. Whoever fills their card first can yell BINGO.

What is the Red Egg game? ›

To play, each player holds a red egg, and one taps the end of her or his egg lightly against the end of the other player's egg. When one egg's end is cracked, the person with the unbroken egg uses the same end of the egg to try to crack the other end of the opponent's egg.

What is the egg catcher game? ›

The tosser is the one who throws the egg and the other player is the catcher. The game is played starting at 10 meters apart. If the egg does not break, they step apart and the toss is repeated.

What is the most number 1 game? ›

Top Ten Video Games Sold in History
RankGameYear Released
2GTA 52013
3Tetris (EA)2006
4Wii Sport2006
6 more rows
Mar 31, 2023

What do 13 year olds do? ›

"Thirteen-year-olds tend to want to spend more time with their friends than with family members," Dr. Segura says. "They also start to form an identity at this age as they experiment with hobbies, activities, clothes, hairstyles, and music. They try on different identities to see what fits."

Can 40 year old play games? ›

Video games are a hobby that can and should be played throughout life by both men and, yes, women too, if that's something you personally enjoy. If you didn't grow up playing games like many of the people in my generation and the younger generations did, you may not realize that games have grown up as we've grown up.

What is the chocolate game? ›

The Chocolate Game

Have the kids take turns to roll the dice. When someone rolls a double (eg each dice rolls a 6), they must put on all items of clothing then unwrap and eat the bar of chocolate only using the knife and fork to cut the chocolate and get it into their mouth.

How do you calm a crazy classroom? ›

10 Strategies & Activities to Calm Down Students
  1. Create a Relaxing Atmosphere. ...
  2. Have Kids Start Independent Work, Such As Reading or Writing. ...
  3. Lead Yoga or Stretching Exercises. ...
  4. Lead Relaxing Breathing Exercises. ...
  5. Listen to Guided Imagery or Read Aloud. ...
  6. Do Warm-Up Exercises and Brain Games.

How do you entertain a boring class? ›

List of 103 Things To Do When You Are Bored in Class
  1. Write a note to a friend.
  2. Draw or doodle.
  3. Take notes and go off on a tangent.
  4. Write a to-do list.
  5. Sketch someone in your classroom.
  6. Make a list of ideas for your next adventure.
  7. Write a gratitude list.
  8. Send a mental message to someone.
Jan 26, 2023

How do you handle a crazy classroom? ›

10 Ways to Control an Unruly Class
  1. Be the boss. Think of yourself as the commander in chief! ...
  2. Redirect Attention. ...
  3. Let the children call the shots... ...
  4. Give Incentives to Do Their Best. ...
  5. Keep an Eye Out. ...
  6. Establish Consequences for Misbehaving.
Sep 20, 2019

What are some activities in the classroom? ›

Interactive Classroom Activities
  • Entry/Exit Tickets. ...
  • Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise. ...
  • Ice Breakers. ...
  • Think–Pair–Share. ...
  • Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning. ...
  • Debate. ...
  • Interview or Role Play. ...
  • Interactive Demonstrations.

What are the five learning activities? ›

The Model Explained
  • ENGAGE. In the first phase of the learning cycle, the teacher works to gain an understanding of the students' prior knowledge and identify any knowledge gaps. ...
  • EXPLORE. ...
  • EXPLAIN. ...
  • ELABORATE. ...

How do you make students interactive in the classroom? ›

Applying interactive education
  1. Encourage student participation.
  2. Use questions that stimulate response, discussion, and a hands-on experience.
  3. Use teaching aids that press for answers, and capture/hold the student's attention.
  4. Set up a workgroup environment.
  5. Involve yourself as well as the student.
Apr 6, 2018

What are 7th graders interested in? ›

Seventh graders love literature circles, and they encourage strong discussion and ownership over reading. Build choice into your literature circles by providing them with a few novel choices and a blank calendar to plan out their reading. Check out our book lists here and here for middle grade books we love.

What are 3 2 1 activities for students? ›

A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to a text, film, or lesson by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students' interest in a topic.

What is a compliment activity for middle school students? ›

The Teacher hands out to each student as many sticky notes as the number of Students in the class. The Teacher elicits the meaning of the word 'Compliment'. The Teacher asks the Students to write a compliment for each student on the sticky notes. The Teacher carries out the activity, too.

How do you stop a chatty class in middle school? ›

  1. 1 – Desk Friend Quiet Reminders. ...
  2. Quiet a Chatty Class 2 – Play Quiet Music. ...
  3. 3 – Pre-Planned “Chat Time” ...
  4. 4 – Include Discussions in Your Lesson Plans. ...
  5. 5 – Give Yourself and Your Students Some Grace. ...
  6. Quiet a Chatty Class 6 – Whole Class Quiet Rewards. ...
  7. 7 – Wireless Doorbell to Stop the Chatter.
Sep 13, 2021

How do you motivate unmotivated middle school students? ›

11 (more) tips to encourage unmotivated students
  1. Better student self talk. ...
  2. Stay motivated yourself. ...
  3. Work to your students' interests. ...
  4. Change layout regularly. ...
  5. Know what to say. ...
  6. Provide a “why” ...
  7. Encourage goal-setting. ...
  8. Be clear with instructions.

How do you motivate middle school students in the classroom? ›

Additional Strategies for Motivating Students
  1. Become a role model for student interest. ...
  2. Get to know your students. ...
  3. Use examples freely. ...
  4. Use a variety of student-active teaching activities. ...
  5. Set realistic performance goals and help students achieve them by encouraging them to set their own reasonable goals.

What is bingo ice breaker game for students? ›

Icebreaker Bingo is a game that encourages players to mingle and learn more about each other. Cards contain questions and personal prompts relating to the players. Participants must talk to other players and mark the square with a name of another player who fits the description.

What is icebreaker bingo? ›

Icebreaker Bingo (also known as “People Bingo” “Human Bingo”, “Get to Know You Bingo”, “Networking Bingo”, or “Mingle Bingo”) is an icebreaker game that motivates players to mingle and learn all kinds of interesting facts about each other.

How do you play steal the egg? ›

Teams of three, numbered 1-3, standing behind their nests. Objects placed in central nest. Teacher calls a number and all players with this number run to the central nest and take one egg at a time back to their nests. When all objects from the central nest have gone runners may “rob” the nests of other groups.

What is the game with golden egg? ›

The Golden Egg is a childrens' card game set in a traditional farmyard. Players start with a number of tokens and receive a set of cards face down. On their turn a player turns over the top most card from their deck and performs the action written there.

What is the game with cups and egg? ›

Egg Roulette -- Don't pick the Wrong Cup 🤣

Kids and Family play guessing game with cups where one person gets egg cracked on their head.

What is the spoon in mouth with egg game? ›

EASY TO PLAY - Simple place the spoon in your mouth and place the egg in the spoon and see how far you can walk or run. This game is very good for training your balance system in our brain.

Where can I play dizzy the egg? ›

You can play Dizzy: Prince Of The Yolkfolk online in web browser, for free!

What should 7th graders be doing? ›

Seventh graders explore more independence in their schoolwork, discover new interests, and gain a better understanding of themselves. Seventh-grade students should be able to: Apply math to everyday activities. Understand and apply basic concepts of geometry.

What do 7th graders do in school? ›

In general, in 7th grade, students build on the skills they learned in 6th grade by writing and reading more complex and longer texts and essays. This work will prepare them for 8th grade where they will cement and further their skills, ultimately setting them up for success in high school.

Is 13 too old for 7th grade? ›

The seventh grade is typically the second or third year of middle school. Children in seventh grade are around 12–13 years old.

How old is a 8th grader? ›

School Grade Placement
Grade 8Age 13 – 14Sept 2009 – Aug 2010
Grade 9Age 14 – 15Sept 2008 – Aug 2009
Grade 10Age 15 – 16Sept 2007 – Aug 2008
Grade 11Age 16 – 17Sept 2006 – Aug 2007
13 more rows

Is it ok to be 15 in 7th grade? ›

Yes. If a student was entered into school late or they were held back for a year, then it's possible for a 15 year-old to be in 7th grade. Usually, this is not the case, but it can be possible for some students who have had to enroll close to their birthday too.

What grade is a 13 year old in? ›

Grade 8

How old is a year 7? ›

Your child's year group
Date of birthSchool year 2022-2023Age
September 2009 - August 2010Year 812 - 13
September 2010 - August 2011Year 711 - 12
September 2011 - August 2012Year 610 - 11
September 2012 - August 2013Year 59 - 10
8 more rows

Is 7th grade harder than 8th? ›

Seventh grade is a little bit easier than 8th grade because is more of an introduction into middle school, so they aren't required to do as much work as 8th graders. The 8th graders are preparing for high school, so we have to do more to be ready for all of the work that high school will make us do.

How can I be the coldest kid in school? ›

Adopting a Cool Attitude
  • Don't fidget. When talking to people, stay cool, calm, and collected. ...
  • Be a bit aloof. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't speak to people, be interested when someone speaks, or smile. ...
  • Don't try too hard to be liked, to be accepted, or to be known. Don't care so much about those things.

How can I be cooler in middle school? ›

If you want to be cool in middle school, you need to pay attention to how you look and smell. To make sure you're always fresh and clean, brush your teeth and wash your face every morning and night, shower or bathe every day, and put on a combination antiperspirant and deodorant after you get out of the bath.

Are 13 year olds middle schoolers? ›

Most 11-13 year olds have entered a new stage of academic learning: middle school. Formerly miniature high schools (hence the name “junior high”), most schools for this age group have converted to become team-based learning centers geared specifically for the needs of the young adolescent.


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.