Numankind | Can’t grow a beard? Here’s what you need to do. (2024)

As beards become increasingly popular, you might find the inability to attain luscious chin locks is a growing concern (quite literally). For those that aren’t blessed with the genes of Gandalf, here’s what you need to do.

With facial hair increasing ratings of health, social status, and age, it’s no wonder that those without the beard gene are desperately chasing the elusive chin carpet. Although studies on the attractiveness of facial hair are conflicting, with culture a major influence on perception, men with beards are generally seen as more masculine - a view that’s more pronounced in women who are in the fertile stage of their menstrual cycle (Darwin, please explain?).

Many men aren’t able to grow a beard or may have a few stranded hairs dotted around their face and neck. Although this isn’t uncommon, the reason why it occurs varies. If you’re struggling to grow a beard, fear not - treatments are available.

But first, the question is, why can’t some men grow a beard? Let’s dive in.

Why can’t I grow a beard?

There are several reasons why you might not be spouting Rapunzel’s locks from your chin - some of which may surprise you.

Here are some of the most common reasons for a hairless chin:

1. Genetics

Just as head hair is largely influenced by genetics, so is facial hair. A large study delved deep into how DNA influences our appearance. Studying European, African and Native American descendants, the research uncovered genes that could predict the colour, greyness, baldness, curliness, and most importantly - facial - aspects of hair. A variant of the EDAR gene appeared to cause facial hair to grow more sparsely and this gene also caused head hair to grow straighter. Beard and eyebrow density as well as beard and balding were significantly correlated.

Another reason why genetics is so important when it comes to beard growth is that genes influence the development of male sex hormones. The AR gene drives the production of androgen receptors, an important protein for male sexual development. If androgen receptors aren’t functioning properly, then the response to androgens (which are hormones such as testosterone) is compromised. This could play a role in beard growth.

Despite bad genes, treatments are available to help you to build a bushy beard. But first, let’s look at the other possible causes of stumped beard growth.

2. Hormones

As with male pattern hair loss, the most common form of hair loss in men, beard growth is also influenced by the production of DHT. About 10% of the testosterone produced is converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and although more well known in its original form, DHT is actually much more powerful than testosterone and has a significant influence on hair growth. The hormone affects the beard and scalp hair in different ways. When it comes to head hair, DHT can inhibit growth, which is why finasteride, which blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT, is such an effective treatment for male pattern hair loss.

DHT affects beard hair differently. In contrary to the scalp, DHT actually promotes hair growth on the body, including the beard, with a significant amount of DHT found in beard cells but not scalp cells.

Although testosterone is a possible cause of poor beard growth, it’s important not to overestimate the role it has in the development of facial hair, as the inability to grow a beard is much more likely to be down to genetics. If low levels of testosterone explain the sparsity of the hair on your chin, you’re likely to notice several different side effects, including:

  • Loss of libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low mood
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty concentrating

Declining levels of testosterone may even explain why some men feel they’re going through ‘male menopause’. You can take a testosterone supplement to support normal production of the hormone. If you want to check your testosterone levels, take a blood test. If you find you have low levels of testosterone then it’s best to speak to your doctor about your options.

3. Stress

Stress causes all sorts of physical and emotional damage to the body - hair loss included. When under severe psychological stress, our hormones are affected, such as testosterone. Hormones play an important role when it comes to beard growth so when the normal production of hormones is compromised, you might see changes to the hair on your chin. Reducing levels of stress usually helps to revert to normal hair regrowth but speak to your doctor if you’re suffering prolonged stress and noticing unusual hair loss.

4. Alopecia barbae

If you’re noticing patchy beard growth, you might have alopecia barbae, which is a form of alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder where the body mistakenly attacks hair follicles, recognising them as a foreign substance. Treatments are available for alopecia barbae, which we’ll get to later.

5. Age

You may be wondering why you don’t have a beard at 25, but as fully developed as you may assume you are by this age, beards can undergo a slow process of growth.

Beard growth kicks off at puberty when the androgen hormones are produced (for example, testosterone) and some teens can have a surprisingly busy chin. But for the majority, face hair follicles take the slow lane and can continue to develop and thicken well into adulthood.

6. Hypothyroidism

Good thyroid function is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy hair follicles, which is why hair loss can be a symptom of hypothyroidism.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Reduced libido

The best way to find out if you have an underactive or overactive thyroid is to take a blood test.

7. Diet

A healthy diet plays a critical role when it comes to getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins in your system. If your diet lacks the healthy nutrients needed to promote proper development (known as micronutrient deficiency) then beard growth may be hindered.

Make sure you follow a diet that’s rich in fruit and vegetables, with a healthy balance of protein, fibre and carbohydrates. If you’re struggling to create a healthy meal plan, download our high cholesterol diet plan or acid reflux diet plan.

If you really want to pack a nutrient-rich punch to your hair follicles, you should consider taking a daily supplement, which can specifically target the areas of your health you want to improve, such as hair growth.

8. Smoking

Among much of the carnage that smoking causes to your health, it could also be stubbing out your beard hair. Nicotine, the chemical found in cigarettes, constricts your blood vessels, making it harder for important nutrients to reach your cells. Nutrient-rich blood is essential for healthy hair growth, which is why a treatment that widens blood vessels, stimulating blood to the hair follicles, has been found to be effective for both head and beard growth - but more on that later.

Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it’s one of the greatest things you can do to improve your health.

9. Misinformation

For all the prepubescent boys desperately shaving the smooth skin on their cheeks and face: put the razor down. Unfortunately, it’s a myth that shaving will make your facial hair grow faster.

When it comes to shaving, the best thing you can do is use a sharp razor to avoid irritating the skin.

So, what can you do to help grow your beard?

How to grow a beard

As beards have become more popular, men have thought of creative solutions to growing their own chin carpet. One of the newest trends that’s proving to be highly successful is minoxidil.

Minoxidil was originally used to treat high blood pressure but patients noticed that increased hair growth was a side effect. It’s thought that minoxidil encourages hair growth for several reasons including:

  • Dilating blood vessels, allowing more nutrient-rich blood to flow to the hair follicles
  • Extending the “growth” phase of the hair cycle
  • Increasing hair follicle size and diameter, so thinning hair appears thicker and fuller

With the success of minoxidil for hair loss, men started using minoxidil on their beards - and the results were promising.

Minoxidil for beard growth comes as a Topical Spray that can be applied to patchy areas of the beard or the entire beard to promote thicker, fuller hair growth. You can also use a derma roller for beard growth, which works by micro-puncturing the skin, encouraging blood flow, allowing more nutrients to reach the hairs. This encourages growth and stimulates dormant follicles.

If you want great chin locks, you also need to give your beard proper care so it’s a good idea to look after it with a beard comb. Your best chance for success is to combine minoxidil and a derma roller with a good beard care routine.

The numan take

Beards are popular but not every man has freely growing locks on their chin. There are all sorts of reasons why you might have a problem growing a beard, but it’s most likely down to genetics. Even with unfortunate genetics, there are treatments available to help stimulate beard growth. Minoxidil, a solution for hair loss, is becoming an increasingly popular method of treatment for beard growth and is most effective when combined with a derma roller and proper beard care.

Related articles:

  • Minoxidil for beard growth: 5 reasons why the treatment might grow on you
  • Brandon’s 8-month hair regrowth story
  • The ultimate 7-day high cholesterol diet plan
  • Arturo’s 3-month hair regrowth story
  • 7 fitness mistakes every man is making

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Numankind | Can’t grow a beard? Here’s what you need to do. (2024)


Does Numan beard growth work? ›

It usually takes two to four months to notice beard hair growth when using topical minoxidil. This is because hair growth is a slow process and it takes time for emerging hairs to become noticeable. Newly grown hairs may be soft and downy at the start, but should eventually become the same as normal hair.

What is the secret to grow beard fast? ›

While protein is the main force encouraging thick beard hair, foods containing A, B, C and E vitamins all promote hair growth. Some ingredients rich in the right vitamins are spinach, sweet peppers, nuts, avocados, sweet potatoes and berries.

Do testosterone boosters help grow facial hair? ›

Overview of Key Facts. Testosterone boosters can help in beard growth if you have a low testosterone level. Boosters may adversely affect if people already have high levels of testosterone present in their bodies. DHT may speed up the beard growth process and work adversely at the same time.

Why can't I grow a beard at 40? ›

Not being able to grow a beard is a hard feeling to grapple with, but there might be some science-based reasons for it. Genetics is usually the main reason, but it might also have to do with age, ethnicity, testosterone, underlying conditions like alopecia, diet, exercise, or stress.

How long does Numan beard take to work? ›

Normally, it takes around 1 to 3 months to notice any changes to your beard when you start using a beard growth treatment. New hairs should emerge after a few months of continuously using the Beard Growth Kit. You should begin to notice increased beard growth and a fuller beard.

Are beard growth vitamins worth it? ›

Beard supplements can aid beard growth and deliver positive results – as long as you're purchasing products with quality ingredients. Popular vitamins like biotin are more likely to improve overall beard health, but there are also a few additional factors to consider when you're shopping around.

Which vitamin helps to grow beard? ›

The most important one for your beard, however, is biotin. If you develop a biotin deficiency, you'll find you'll have a much harder time growing out your beard. Luckily, you can boost your body's biotin levels pretty easily—for example, a handful of almonds is totally packed with Vitamin B complexes.

What should I eat to grow my beard faster? ›

What Foods Help Beard Growth?
  1. Red Meat and Fish. A high-protein diet can help get your beard to a desirable length, and red meats are some of the most protein-dense foods out there. ...
  2. Leafy Greens. ...
  3. Brazil Nuts. ...
  4. Watermelon. ...
  5. Eggs. ...
  6. Potatoes. ...
  7. Oranges. ...
  8. Gelatin.

What are signs of low testosterone in males? ›

  • Low sex drive.
  • Problems having an erection.
  • Low sperm count.
  • Sleep problems such as insomnia.
  • Decrease in muscle size and strength.
  • Bone loss.
  • Increase in body fat.
  • Depression.
May 13, 2021

Can testosterone increase size? ›

Less fat, more muscle

Testosterone is responsible for increased muscle mass. Leaner body mass helps control weight and increases energy. For men with low testosterone, studies show that treatment can decrease fat mass and increase muscle size and strength.

What can stimulate hair growth? ›

  • Trim your hair. ...
  • Eat protein-rich foods. ...
  • Take a hair-boosting supplement. ...
  • Use a strengthening shampoo and conditioner. ...
  • Use a weekly hair mask. ...
  • Take care after washing. ...
  • Always use heat protection. ...
  • Protect your hair from the elements.

What age is too late for a beard? ›

While the age at which facial hair stops growing is different for everyone, the average age for beard growth to stop is around 35. For some men, this process happens gradually, with the beard becoming thinner and patchier over time. For others, it happens more abruptly, with the beard simply ceasing to grow altogether.

What to do if beard is not coming? ›

A diet plan which is low in nutrients and protein can lead to breakage and so many other beard problems. Moreover, dehydration can lead to dryness and this, in turn, will stop beard growth. If your beard is not growing, besides having a rich diet plan, you also need to get on the track and start exercising.

What is the prime age for beard growth? ›

How fast your beard grows depends on multiple factors, including your race, age, and genetics. Most men will experience their biggest beard growth from around age 25 to 35, although it varies for each person. Testosterone, a hormone, propels beard growth more than any other factor.

Does Numan regrow hair? ›

Clinically proven and backed by science

Show your hair who's boss with finasteride and minoxidil: two hair loss treatments that have been proven to improve hair loss in 94% of men when used together. Their ability to slow hair loss and boost hair regrowth mean they're highly effective treatments on their own, too.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.